tired of being independant....
Two faces, Liar. disgusting, rude, act innocent, irritating, childish etc.
my desires
Create Balloon Scupture of my own!!!
FaStEr FiNisH StUdIeS & Go To Work!!
Faster Go On A HoliDay Wit Family!!!
Be MoRe CrEaTiVe
Be A CrEaTiVe BaLlOoNiSt
Go To PoLy
EaRn MonEY! $.$
SiS FaStEr ReCovEr & ThE SiCkNesS Nv ComE BaCk AgAiN!!!!!
TrAvEl ArOuNd ThE WoRlD
Go OvErSeA TrIp WiTh My BeSt BuDdY On 21th YeAr OlDs